Keys Last Stand Supports HB 995, Opposes SB 1326 & SB 1730: Standing Against Overdevelopment in the Florida Keys
Keys Last Stand has issued a press release strongly supporting HB 995, introduced by Representative Jim Mooney, as a responsible and balanced approach to managing development in the Florida Keys. This bill allocates 500 new Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) permits over 10 years, with the majority designated for workforce and affordable housing. In contrast, SB 1326 and SB 1730 would authorize thousands of new ROGOs without requirements for affordable housing, encouraging unchecked growth and threatening the Keys' infrastructure, environment, and community character. We urge residents to support HB 995 and reject these Senate bills to preserve the Keys’ future.
Last Stand Opposes Proposed Changes to Key West’s Workforce Housing Regulations
Last Stand of the Florida Keys is voicing strong opposition to the proposed amendments to Key West’s Land Development Regulations, which would reverse critical workforce housing requirements and introduce provisions that could lead to higher rents and further displacement of local workers. The organization is particularly concerned with the broad definition of "workforce housing" and the proposed changes to income thresholds and rent percentages, which could exacerbate the housing crisis in the Keys. Last Stand is urging the Planning Board to reject these proposals and ensure that affordable housing remains accessible to the workforce that sustains Key West.
Last Stand Opposes Proposed Changes to Key West Land Development Regulations
Last Stand of the Florida Keys has voiced strong opposition to proposed changes to the City of Key West's Land Development Regulations, urging the Planning Board to reject amendments that would prioritize developer interests at the expense of the environment and community well-being. Key concerns include reductions in setback requirements, increased height limits, and the removal of performance standards.
Balancing Development and Preservation: Last Stand’s Position on Key West Housing Amendments
Last Stand of the Florida Keys advocates for sustainable development and preserving the quality of life in Key West. The organization supports the City of Key West’s Planning Department’s proposed amendments to Workforce Housing regulations, including an increase in the Payment-In-Lieu fee and stricter enforcement of affordable housing requirements. They commend the recommendation to establish a working group to guide future improvements, emphasizing collaboration and sustainability.
However, Last Stand opposes incorporating aspects of the Florida Live Local Act into Key West's zoning code. They highlight concerns over reduced setbacks, increased height limits, and diminished public input, warning these changes could harm the environment, neighborhood character, and quality of life. Last Stand urges rejection of these amendments, calling for more public input and careful evaluation of their long-term impact.
Protecting Our Future: Last Stand Challenges $38M ROGO Giveaway at BOCC Meeting
Last Stand in Action: Watch Board Member Dottie Moses and Coalition Member Stuart Schaffer address the Monroe Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on September 11th. They urge the BOCC to reject a proposal to give away 86 early evacuation ROGOs—worth over $38 million—to a private developer for an affordable housing project in Tavernier, next to a proposed Publix.
Urgent Appeal: Reject Proposal to Divert Essential ROGOs to Tavernier Publix/Cemex
Last Stand and 15 Keys organizations, representing thousands of Keys residents, are concerned about the County's potential request for additional ROGOs from the State due to fears of significant takings liabilities. Currently, County staff are revising the estimate of buildable lots from the previous count of 2,220, which is expected to be lower. The County holds 444 administrative relief ROGOs, with 300 specifically allocated for early evacuation affordable workforce housing. These ROGOs are intended solely to resolve takings claims and not increase development potential.
The September 11 BOCC agenda includes a proposal to amend the Comprehensive Plan to create Tavernier Workforce Housing Subarea 1, which would allocate 86 early evacuation ROGOs for a new housing project. Approving this would divert 86 ROGOs, valued at over $38.7 million, from addressing takings claims. Given the county’s estimated liability of $1 billion, how can the approval of this proposal be reconciled with the justification for requesting more market rate ROGOs to mitigate taking liability? We urge you to reject the proposed Goal 113 and Policy 113.1.1.
Last Stand addresses the BOCC and calls for ROGO Reassessment: Key Concerns on Evaluation and Engagement.
Keys Last Stand raises concerns about the County’s approach to evaluating new Rate of Growth Ordinances (ROGOs). Despite recent efforts to reassess buildable lots, the community engagement process and data analysis are problematic:
Independent Review Needed: No independent analysis of the hurricane evacuation model, which previously had significant errors.
Survey Issues: The current survey lacks expert review and provides outdated, limited options.
Misleading Figures: The $1 billion Takings liability figure is inaccurately used, diverting attention from true financial impacts.
Accurate, peer-reviewed data is essential for managing development and ensuring safety. The 24-hour evacuation statute, based on extensive research, should not be ignored. Proper analysis is critical for responsible decision-making and protecting the Keys’ unique environment.
16 Keys Organizations Oppose Marathon’s Request for 10 New Residential Allocations
Last Stand and 15 Keys organizations oppose the County's support for Marathon’s request for ten new residential building allocations. We argue that Marathon should have used its existing allocations and implemented a moratorium pending a capacity analysis, avoiding any takings liability. We question the County's support for new allocations before completing its transparency analysis and independent audit of the hurricane evacuation model. We believe the proposed ten new allocations significantly exceed Marathon’s fair share. We urge you to vote against the proposal.
Urgent Concerns: 16 Keys Organizations Call for Reassessment of ROGO Process
Last Stand and 15 other Keys organizations are concerned about the County’s potential request for new market-rate ROGOs, particularly given the BOCC's recent direction to recompute the number of buildable lots, which we believe is currently inflated. We stress the need for a thorough carrying capacity analysis to assess the impact on infrastructure, environment, and costs to taxpayers before any new ROGOs are approved. Additionally, we object to using an inflated $1 billion estimate of takings liability in County surveys, which seems intended to skew results and mislead the public. We urge immediate correction and a moratorium on new ROGOs pending a comprehensive analysis.
Last Stand achievements 2024
In 2024, Last Stand, with renewed determination, reinforced its steadfast dedication to preserving the distinctive quality of life and the fragile ecosystem of the Florida Keys. This year, Last Stand continued to make significant progress in advocating for policies and educational programs that support our goals of managing growth, enhancing water quality, and expanding workforce housing, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to the cause.
Through our comprehensive approach of research, education, outreach, and action, Last Stand has worked diligently to influence responsible growth management, improve water quality standards, and promote affordable housing solutions for the workforce.
Department of commerce rejects tavernier key commercial overlay district (“tkcod”)
The Florida Department of Commerce has rejected Monroe County Ordinance No. 04-2024. This ordinance aimed to amend the county's Land Development Code to create the Tavernier Key Commercial Overlay District (TKCOD), which would apply to 19.3 acres and set specific development standards for that area. The Department found the ordinance inconsistent with both the county's comprehensive plan and the guiding principles for development in the Florida Keys, leading to its rejection.
last stand address bocc regarding 86 early evacuation rogos for cemex
Last Stand recently spoke at the April 17th BOCC meeting, expressing opposition to granting 86 early evacuation ("EE") ROGOs to CEMEX Construction Materials, Florida, LLC. Originally, this pool of EE ROGOs was designated for Beneficial Use Only (also known as Takings Cases) or for exchange with other ROGOs. However, the applicant is seeking to acquire all 86 EE ROGOs without providing any affordable allocations in return. This places a burden on Monroe County taxpayers and increases potential liabilities.
Last Stand opposes the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment granting 86 early evacuation ('EE') ROGOs to CEMEX Construction Materials, Florida, LLC
Last Stand opposes granting 86 early evacuation ("EE") ROGOs to CEMEX Construction Materials, Florida, LLC. The county's exchange policy, established to maintain hurricane evacuation standards, requires recipients of EE ROGOs to provide affordable ROGOs. However, the applicant seeks to obtain 86 EE ROGOs without returning any affordable allocations, burdening Monroe County taxpayers and increasing potential liabilities. Last Stand urges support for the exchange policy, which has historical backing and potential participants. Amidst concerns over ROGO availability and overdevelopment pressures, Last Stand urges the County to maintain the exchange policy and resist exceptions that endanger residents' financial resources and safety.
What Every Keys Resident Should Know About Our Capacity
FloridaCommerce’s 2023 Hurricane Evacuation Model and local governments’ responses to it have been in the news recently. While hurricane evacuation time is important to consider when thinking about Keys’ capacity, it is far from the only meaningful factor. Let’s also consider waste water and its effect on the environment, fresh water, traffic, and housing; all of which weigh on our quality of life.
Dottie Moses of Last Stand ADDRESSES the BOCC at their Special Workshop on ROGOs
Dottie Moses, Last Stand board member, spoke at the Monroe County Commission's ROGO workshop, stressing the need to protect the future of the Florida Keys. She highlighted the Comprehensive Plan's focus on limited growth and environmental preservation. Despite past efforts, overdevelopment threats persist, straining infrastructure and endangering the environment. Moses urged against unsustainable growth, advocating for strategic allocation of remaining ROGOs to address community needs like affordable housing and infrastructure. Each decision must prioritize the well-being of the Keys.
Keys Last Stand addresses the Monroe County Planning Commission regarding exemptions granted to the Nonresidential Inclusionary Housing Requirement
In these remarks, Keys Last Stand emphasizes the importance of policy decisions and their impact on the affordable workforce housing crisis. They express concern that exemptions granted to the Nonresidential Inclusionary Housing Requirement worsen this crisis.
Last Stand Speaks Out Against Approval of Tavernier Commercial Overlay District
Last Stand Board Member Dottie Moses spoke out against creating the “Tavernier Commercial Overlay District” during the Monroe County Commission Special Meeting on February 15, 2024. This proposed district in Tavernier plans to introduce a 49,000-square-foot supermarket and 86 workforce housing units on a roughly 20-acre lot at Mile Marker 92.5 off U.S. 1. This development ignores County comprehensive plans, especially the community-inspired Livable CommuniKeys plan. It will create increased traffic prompting residents to voice concerns for their safety.