Sustaining Ecosystems Through Environmental Conservation
Water Quality:
Last Stand is dedicated to raising awareness about critical water quality issues and research findings throughout the Florida Keys. The waters of the Florida Keys may appear crystal clear, but beneath the surface there are excessive nutrients, contaminants, and pharmaceuticals polluting our waters and hurting our marine life, including our fisheries, seagrass beds, and corals. They also pose a health risk to humans. Last Stand is also committed to sharing up-to- date information with our community on a range of topics, including nearshore waters, potable water issues, canal restoration, sources of upstream pollutants, and wastewater management.
In pursuit of our mission, Last Stand will help to identify problematic shallow injection wells and lend support to partnering organizations in their legal initiatives aimed at reducing pollution in these areas. We recognize the importance of collaborative efforts and are proud to work with the Water Quality Protection Program (WWQPP) and the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary to further strengthen our impact and enhance the protection of our environment.