our keys, our future!

There is important, late-breaking news regarding these bills. This page will be updated with the latest details by Monday, 3/24/25

There is important, late-breaking news regarding these bills. This page will be updated with the latest details by Monday, 3/24/25

Protect the Florida Keys: Write a Letter Today!

The Florida Keys ROGO Coalition supports HB 995 by Representative Jim Mooney as a balanced solution for managing development in the Keys, prioritizing affordable and workforce housing while protecting the community’s character and environment. This bill responsibly allocates 500 new ROGO permits over the next 10 years, with the majority earmarked for workforce housing needs. In contrast, SB 1326 and SB 1730, introduced by Senators Ana Maria Rodriguez and Alexis Calatayud, add thousands of additional ROGOs and threaten to drive unchecked development, putting our infrastructure, water quality, and hurricane evacuation safety at risk. 

We urge residents to act by writing a letter to their House and Senate representatives supporting House Bill 995 and opposing Senate Bills 1326 and 1730. It is far more impactful to write one letter to the House and a second or modified letter to the Senate. House Representatives and Senate Representative Names and Emails are below. Your voice is critical in ensuring that we protect the future of the Florida Keys and prioritize our quality of life over developer interests.

Please click here to view the House President, bill sponsor, and committee details.

Please click here to view the Senate President, bill sponsors, and committee details.

If you have any questions, please email info@KeysLastStand.org.

Here is the ROGO Coalition's official group letter to the House, along with our press release.