Keys Last Stand Supports HB 995, Opposes SB 1326 & SB 1730: Standing Against Overdevelopment in the Florida Keys
Chris Massicotte
Keys Last Stand | (305) 394-1108
Keys Last Stand Supports HB 995, Opposes SB 1326 & SB 1730: Standing Against Overdevelopment in the Florida Keys
Key West, FL – Keys Last Stand strongly supports HB 995, introduced by Representative Jim Mooney, as a responsible and balanced approach to managing development in the Florida Keys. At the same time, we oppose SB 1326, introduced by Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez, and SB 1730, introduced by Senator Calatayud—both of which threaten to accelerate overdevelopment, strain infrastructure, and permanently alter the character of the Keys.
HB 995 responsibly allocates 500 new Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) permits over 10 years, ensuring that development remains measured and adaptable to future conditions. The vast majority of these permits must be used for Workforce Housing or Affordable Housing, addressing the severe housing needs of working families. Additionally, more than 600 existing unallocated Affordable Housing ROGOs, along with hundreds of future Affordable Housing units on ROGO-exempt properties, already exist to support responsible growth.
In contrast, SB 1326 authorizes 3,550 new ROGOs over the next 40 years, with nearly half open to market-rate housing that is neither Workforce Housing nor Affordable Housing. This would create a dramatic spike in development, increasing traffic congestion, environmental degradation, and infrastructure stress.
SB 1730 is even more concerning. Unlike SB 1326, which at least defines the number of ROGOs, SB 1730 raises the hurricane evacuation time to 26 hours without specifying how many ROGOs can be issued or when, with no requirements for Affordable or Workforce Housing. This could lead to more than 4,000 new ROGOs and would effectively remove all guardrails on development, giving big developers free rein to overbuild the Keys faster than ever before. It is an open invitation to unchecked growth, eliminating decades of carefully planned regulations that protect our fragile environment and livability.
Based on Monroe County’s own surveys, Keys residents overwhelmingly prefer Rep. Mooney's bill over the two Senate bills. The community has made it clear that they support responsible growth—not a developer-driven expansion. Yet, despite this, Monroe County and the Keys municipalities continue to push for the maximum possible ROGO allocations.
Furthermore, claims that limiting ROGOs will lead to a surge in takings lawsuits are unfounded. Public statements from both the Monroe County Attorney and the Marathon City Attorney confirm that HB 995 presents no takings liability risk over the 10-year period. Meanwhile,the excessive ROGO allocations in the senate bills far exceed the number of buildable lots in the Keys, proving that the takings argument has been a red herring used to justify unsustainable development.
“This fight is about overdevelopment, plain and simple,” said Chris Massicotte, President of Keys Last Stand. “Representative Jim Mooney is taking a stand against the unchecked growth being pushed by Monroe County and the Keys municipalities. His bill protects our island’s future by ensuring measured, responsible growth focused on affordable and workforce housing. On the other hand, SB 1326 and SB 1730 open the door for large-scale development with no meaningful checks in place—prioritizing profits over the long-term sustainability of our community.”
Keys Last Stand is committed to working with state legislators to educate them on the importance of regulating growth responsibly and ensuring that building permits are allocated over a 10-year period rather than locking in unchecked development. We urge residents to contact their state representatives and demand support for HB 995 while rejecting SB 1326 and SB 1730 to prevent overdevelopment from jeopardizing the future of the Florida Keys.
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About Keys Last Stand
Keys Last Stand is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the unique environment and character of the Florida Keys. Through advocacy, education, and community action, we work to ensure responsible development, protect natural resources, and maintain the Keys as a safe and sustainable home for future generations.