Little Palm Dolphin Resort Parking Variance (FILE 2023-045)

August 23, 2024

Via email

Emily Schemper, Senior Director Planning and Environmental Resources

Ilze Aguila, Senior Administrator Operations

Devin Tolpin, Planning and Development Review Manager

Re: Little Palm Dolphin Resort Parking Variance (FILE 2023-045)

Dear Ms. Schemper, Ms. Aguila, and Mr. Tolpin:

Last Stand of the Florida Keys is a non-profit organization established to preserve the Florida Keys and ensure a sustainable future for all. We advocate for promoting, preserving, and protecting the quality of life in the Florida Keys, with particular emphasis on the natural environment.

Below are some of Last Stand’s concerns regarding the proposed variance to remove the current boat ramp parking:

  1. Insufficient Parking: As currently designed, the resort does not meet the minimum off-street parking requirements stipulated in LDC Section 114-67. Given the site's size, it cannot accommodate the necessary parking spaces for the proposed development AND Little Palm Island, including those for employees, guests, contractors, etc.

  2. Self-Created Hardship: The stated "hardship" for requesting this variance, namely the need to redesign the site to accommodate six (6) 14' x 55' required boat ramp parking spaces, appears to be self-created. Florida law generally prohibits variances for hardships that are self-created by the applicant.  

  3. Incorrect Parking Demand: The Parking Demand Table does not account for the required boat fleet parking as specified in LDC Section 114-67.

  4. Calculation Error: There is a mathematical error on Page 3 of the Staff Report regarding the calculation of parking reduction. The report incorrectly includes six (6) car parking spaces rather than six (6) boat ramp parking spaces, leading to an inaccurate calculation of the parking reduction. Instead of a 5.3% parking reduction, they request a 21.7% reduction in parking.

  5. Inadequate Justification: The stated "good and sufficient cause" for the variance, citing the discontinuation of a public marina, does not align with the requirements of LDC Section 114-67, which does not differentiate between public and private use of boat ramps for the purpose of off-street parking.

The proposed variance is unnecessary and unreasonable, given the developer's ability to mitigate the issue by reducing the resort's size and density. We urge the Planning Commission to carefully consider these concerns and deny the requested variance. 

Please add this email to the record for File 2023-045.


The Last Stand Board of Directors 

Last Stand is a non-profit organization of volunteer citizens interested in preserving the Florida Keys' unique quality of life and fragile, beautiful natural environment. We have worked tirelessly since 1987 to protect Key West and the Florida Keys.

Last Stand • P.O. Box 146 • Key West, FL 33041

Keys Last Stand Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at Last Stand serves as the pivotal force behind the organization's vision and initiatives. Comprised entirely of dedicated volunteers, these members are elected annually at the organization's Annual Meeting to steer Last Stand's actions and stances. Through monthly meetings, the Board deliberates on pressing issues, making critical decisions regarding resource allocation and strategic direction, aligning with Last Stand's overarching mission of environmental preservation and community advocacy. With steadfast leadership and collaborative efforts, the Board of Directors is instrumental in advancing Last Stand's mission, shaping a sustainable future for the Florida Keys.


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