Proposed fertilizer Ordinance

February 15, 2021

Sent via email

Mayor Michelle Coldiron, and
Monroe County Board of Commissioners 

Dear Mayor Coldiron and Commissioners Cates, Martinez, Rice and Forster:

The board of directors of Last Stand fully supports the county pursuing a fertilizer ordinance. Improving the water quality of the Florida Keys has been an enduring focus of our board, our members and our Keys-wide community. A fertilizer ordinance will help to achieve everyone’s water quality improvement goals.

It could not have been timelier to have a fertilizer ordinance appear on the county agenda. Just last month, Dr. Rachel Silverstein from Miami Waterkeeper spoke to our members on the efficacy of a fertilizer ordinance.  Dr. Silverstein is advocating to have all of South Florida adopt a fertilizer ordinance to achieve maximum impact. As a leader in water quality improvement efforts, we knew Monroe County would want to be included.

A fertilizer ordinance is in line with the county’s previous efforts to reduce nutrient pollution in our nearshore waters without the extreme cost. Last Stand looks forward to participating in the creation of the ordinance and will contribute suggestions to make the ordinance as effective as possible. This ordinance, along with public education will take us another step closer to improved water quality.

Thank you for considering the importance of the issue and for including Last Stand to help in any way that we can.

Respectfully submitted,

The Last Stand board


Western Dry Rocks


Letter to Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez