Rep. Carlos Curbelo Supports Paris Climate Agreement

Last Stand has written Rep. Carlos Curbelo supporting his stand on the United States participation in the Paris Climate Agreement:

I am writing to encourage you to continue to oppose the administration's policies that ignore the facts relating to climate change. I represent the nonprofit organization Last Stand, a group that has been formed to promote, preserve and protect the quality of life in Key West, the Florida Keys and their environs, with a particular emphasis on the environment.

We agree with the analysis that forecasts the jobs and economic impact of moving towards renewable solar and wind energy will not only be good for the environment, but will also exceed the economic impact of efforts directed by the president to rely more heavily on coal and fossil fuels. We look for your leadership to create a bipartisan plan that supports economically viable, private and public solutions to mitigate the impacts and reduce the sources of climate change.

The Florida Keys will be among the first areas in the U.S. to experience the impact of climate change through rising sea levels and more severe storm events. Thanks for taking a stand to protect your constituents and to do what is right for the planet.

For the Last Stand Board

/s/ Mark E. Songer, President


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