Andrea Strawn

Vice President

Andrea came to live in Key Haven, Florida with her husband Steve in 2015 after they “followed their noses” one day driving down US 1. Ever since, there isn’t a day that goes by that Andrea doesn’t enjoy the water, fish and wildlife that inhabit her backyard. Having lived in Canada, Australia, Europe and the United States, Andrea has worked as a Television News Reporter and Writer and been involved in organizations such as The National Museum for Women in The Arts, The Phillips Modern Art Museum, and N Street Village for Homeless Women in Washington, DC. During her time in these countries, Andrea traveled extensively witnessing first-hand the fragile grandeur of places such as the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru (Ayers Rock), The Austrian Alps, The Grand Canyon and the importance of protecting them. Andrea is excited to be working with Last Stand, helping protect and preserve the quality of life on the waters we all enjoy every day.