Affordable wORKFORCE housing
Last Stand has supported and will continue to support affordable housing and workforce housing in the Florida Keys when a proposed new development meets appropriate criteria that balances the impacts of new construction with neighbors’ quality of life and the environment. A 1990s report confirmed the Florida Keys had already exceeded the quantity of structures that were sustainable, given the land available. For that reason, we do not support the goal of building our way out of the workforce housing crisis. We encourage the preservation of existing workforce housing, minimizing the use of current housing for short term vacation rentals, and the conversion of existing housing to appropriate affordability or workforce restrictions.
Our Commitment to Affordable workforce Housing
Last Stand’s commitment to affordable workforce housing remains unwavering and we support regulatory measures that promote real affordable workforce housing. Last Stand encourages employers to provide adequate compensation, housing subsidies, or the housing itself. We also see local government as a partner in fostering these efforts, encouraging businesses, and removing any unnecessary barriers.