Keys Last Stand

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16 Keys Organizations Oppose Marathon’s Request for 10 New Residential Allocations

August 16, 2024

 Via Email

 Dear Mayor Raschein and County Commissioners:

 We 16 organizations oppose the proposal for a County resolution in support of the City of Marathon’s request for 10 new residential building allocations from the State (Agenda Item O15).  Just as the County slowed its distribution of ROGO allocations and extended the current program to 2026, Marathon could have done the same.  Marathon could have held onto the 300 ROGOs awarded by the State, which were distributed during an ongoing legal challenge.  And Marathon could immediately announce a moratorium on issuing new allocations pending a thorough analysis of its carrying capacity for more allocations, which would defer any takings liability.

If the County says it is conducting a transparent process to analyze whether to request more ROGOs, how can it support the issuance of any new allocations until that analysis is completed? And how can the County support issuing any new allocations based on the new hurricane evacuation model when the County has not conducted an independent audit of the model? Our first group letter pointed out several flaws with the evacuation model. Also, 10 new allocations for about one year would be much larger than Marathon’s fair share of 220 allocations over 20 years Keys-wide.

 Please vote against the proposal for a County resolution in support of Marathon’s request for 10 new allocations.

 Respectfully submitted:

 Ann Olsen

On behalf of the Last Stand Board and the undersigned organizations